Why advertising on InsectNet.com?
InsectNet is the n°1 insect trading portal site in the world. Everyday hundreds of insect collectors are browsing our marketplace or classifieds ads to find interesting insects. Everyday hundreds of insect collectors are reading the InsectNet forum and blog to find useful information and share their passion.
Founded in 1999, InsectNet has become the place to find reliable insect dealers. Nearly all serious insect sellers are already advertising on InsectNet to recruit new customers.
Please find below some details about our visitors :

More than 100,000 visitors and 1 million pageviews per year, if you are an insect seller, you must advertise here !
Please contact us if you want to advertise on InsectNet : contact.insectnet@gmail.com
Pricing & Advertising options :
We are offering three different types of paid advertising on InsectNet.com, as follows:
- Standard Rotating Banner on all pages of Insectnet –
A rotating banner display area appears at the top of every major page of the InsectNet.com web site. Standard Rotating Banner subscribers also get a free listing in the Suppliers & Traders Directory included in the cost of their subscription, during their advertising period.
. 12 months : €420
. 6 months : €240
. 3 months : €140 - Billboard Space –
A Billboard space is where you can display a static (non-rotating) banner of 468×60 pixels displayed only on the home page of InsectNet.com. This space get lots of attention and clicks. You can rent the space for as little as a three-month period. Sequential positioning in the Billboard is first come, first serve. Click on the link above for Billboard advertising rates and ordering instructions.
. 12 months : €420
. 6 months : €240
. 3 months : €140 - Suppliers Listing Only –
Suppliers are listed in alphabetical order in the Suppliers & Traders Directory. This is a low cost way to have presence on the Internet, which will increase your contacts in the insect trade. You can add a link towards your insect website or an ebay page or an email. If you are a private collector you can just list your name, your areas of interest, and your contact information.
Price is 79€ for 12 months
Please contact us if you want to advertise on InsectNet : contact.insectnet@gmail.com
Additional tax :
If you are an individual or a company outside of the European Union, there will be no additional tax on these prices.
If you are a European Union company, there will be no additional tax on these prices (just send us your VAT number).
If you are a French company/individual or a EU individual, there will be a 20% VAT added..
Feedback from our members :
- Feedback:
Here are some comments I have received from participants:- “Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. I think i will like it here :O) I have been busy looking round the site and i have to say i am very impressed with all of it. The photo’s and videos are great especially the instructional ones and i’m always ready to learn from other peoples experiences and different methods. Clark you and the other guys do a great job on this stuff and much appreciated. The music is cool too. Pat Metheny wow! this has me already planning a holiday to California and the sierra. I love your leps America hope we can do some trades etc although i realise your importing stuff is a little more restictive and difficult than ours. Speak soon – Lance [9/28/08]
- “As a science teacher I find your site to be the world’s best to be in touch with others sharing our entomological interests! It is such a pleasure to be able to obtain ova of otherwise difficult to find native species such as the Catocala and Arctiidae. I discovered a wonderful connection which made possible a memorable collecting/photography trip to French Guiana also through your site 2 years ago (Entomotech..)! I once again want to express my heart-felt gratitude to your Herculean efforts. You are second to none! Take Care.” Karl [5/8/05]
- “I enjoy Insectnet every day. It has been the most important vehicle for fueling my fledging passion with this hobby. Happy Thanksgiving.” – Tony Gard [11/23/05]
- “Insectnet has really made a very, very big difference in my business (we have become financially successful, AND we are known world wide for our reputation in providing rare, legal specimens with a money back guarantee if the client is not happy). And I greatly appreciate that….As you know, 10 years ago I got smart and left teaching high school – it is too dangerous. I just finished my books for 2004. Thanks to your website, I made over 85% of my living last year, mostly due to your website, and its classified ads. Thanks again.” – Marc W. Schenck [1/2/2005]
- “I would just like to take this opportunity to say how great the Insectnet website is and how much pleasure (and financial reward) it has given me since I discovered it, and also a big thanks for the first class service you provide in the event of little mix ups like this one. Many thanks once again.” – Keith [11/16/2004]
- “HI! I saw a “Pandorus Sphinx” larva for the first time yesterday and started looking on the net to find out what it was. That’s how I found your site. I have few books that are helpful but your photo albums are awesome. I’ve already save it to my favorites. Thank you so much for such appreciation for these beautiful creatures. Have a great day!” – Donna [8/30/03]
- “Thank you for providing a very worthwhile and professional service.” – Tom Holmes, Dundas, Ontario Canada [8/12/03]
- “I am Daniel from Canada. I put the ads on Insect classifieds from time to time. I am really very thankful about you.. your web help me sell insects and trade specimens.. You and your web make me build a excellent personal colletion. It’s really a wonderful web. Thank you once again!” – Daniel Wu [5/28/03]
- “Hello Clark, As usual, I think the sight is fantastic…hands down, the most informative and most complete insect website.” – Armand Cistaro [5/11/03]
- “Your website is the most useful on the web for entomologists. Thanks to InsectNet, I have contacted many US entomologists and I have made many very pleasant exchanges with them.” – Olivier Wollastoni [5/2/03]
- “Thanks again for your help! You deserve an A+ for all your hard work on this site. Myself and thousands of other insect hobbyists owe you a huge debt of gratitude.” Ryan Taylor [4/30/03]
- “I’m just curious, how long has this site been on the internet. After all of these years I thought that I had all of the links possible, way beyond Ozipov’s top 100. Alain put me on to it. Yours is a great real time program with many interesting sections. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Jay Gmerek [11/29/02]
- “Thanks a lot for the help. Also, thanks again for all your hard work and dedication.” Regards, Ryan Taylor [6/25/02]
- “Anyway, the Website is fantastic..I’ve met more good people than bad, and as I always say “Happy Collecting”.” Respectfully, Armand Cistaro [6/12/02]
- “By the way, I think the site is getting better and better, and I think you are doing a great job. Thanks for adding the space to the insects classifieds.” Sincerely, Sandra – [5/28/2002]
- “Dear Mr. Clark, Thank you very much for your update. You have a very great site!!!” – Sincerely yours, Ismael O. Lumawig [5/19/2002]
- “…I also thought you should know of some of the highly positive experiences made possible by your site…For me, your site was the answer to a prayer since I was having absolutely no luck collecting wild cecropia cocoons this winter. Thanks and keep up the great work!” – Jim Pauley [4/18/2002]
- “Thank you once again for your help. All the best and all my compliments for your web site, it is my favorite one by far.” – Filip [4/13/2002]
- “Your site is most impressive!” – Jim Schuster, Crystal River Gems [2/28/02]
- “Dear Clark, I think your Insect classifieds are just fantastic. I have only posted 2 ads & have had an overwhelming response to my first ad in November that I could not keep up with exchanges people around the world want to make with me.” – Kind regards, Lance Matthews. AUSTRALIA. 1/13/2002
- “First: let me thank you and congratulate you for your efforts with the Insect Classifieds.” – Bill Oehlke [1/14/2002]
- “By the way, I would like to commend you on the excellent job you do with the InsectNet website. I follow it every day for classifieds and the forum as well as news and notes from you. I have contacted many of the advertisers and have purchased from many..” – Jim Nutting
- “Dear Sir, Thank you again for your e-mail. Actually I wouldn’t mind paying $1-$5 to place an ad if I had something to offer. I don’t see how you afford to do this for free. We all owe you a great deal of praise and thanks.” – Regards, Jay Timberlake
- “I got great response and was able to trade or sell almost all my extra stock. You provide a great service and I will definately be using it again. Many thanks.” – Harry Becker
- “Thank you for your beautiful and informative photo essay. It is clear and concise and most certainly useful.” – Martin Bailey
- “I can’t stress enough what an honor and privelage it is to have my picture, my material on a website! Especially my favorite site in the world! Thank you Clark Thompson!!!” – Chris Garcia
- “I would like to congratulate you first for the very nice web site!” – Thibaud Decaëns, Scientific Assessor, COLOMBIAN INSECTS
- ” got in, and changed my password – all is well. Thanks for all of your help. By the way – great website. Despite all the whining about people cheating one another over insect sales, the overall amount of good info available here is top-rate. Keep it up!” – Bob Androw
- “I enjoy your website very much. I’ve transacted business through it and I`ve always been satisfied with the results of those transactions.” – Anthony Gregory
- “Continue the excellent work!” – J. M. Davidson, PhD, Entomologist, LTC, USA, (Retired)
- “Your website is growing in quality and popularity–I get a lot of positive comments from my customers” – Marc Schenck/Newport Butterfly Farm
- “Hi, I just found the forum this past weekend and have also persued other areas. I am a Lep hobbyist (new) and a horticulturist. I am sure I will be here often! Thanks for such a comprehensive and easily navigated site!” – tj
- “I just had two great experiences with Australia and Japan and I feel nice to meet honest persons. I found them on your site. Great! Have a nice day!” – Agnes
- “Overall I think you have done a bang-up job of improving your look, and there is no question that your content is extremely useful no matter how elaborate or simple you make the design of your site.” – Jeffa
- “Dear Clark, Thanks for providing this medium. I have met a lot of interesting people who share similar interests in lepidoptera and have been able to coordinate many exchanges as a result.”
Bob Ratterman
Associate Professor of Biology
Jamestown Community College
Olean, New York
- “After receiving your email about posting our events, I went to your site and was really impressed with the layout.” – Bonnie
- “Thanks very much…I’m new to your site and love it!” – Brian
- “By the Way–I really enjoy the Forum and I think the whole site is extremely well thought out and helpful. Thanks.” – Sandra
- “Clark — Just to let you know I added a picture to my classified ad. It worked out very well and I think the idea is wonderful. The Forum is also excellent and I am impressed at how well the site is run.” – Sandra (Elegant Bee)
- “Dear Clark, Thank you for your announcement. I just wanted to tell you that you have a great site, really well done. It is always a pleasure for me to visit it. I work on Lepidoptera and I am from Montenegro, Yugoslavia. If you are interested in any butterfly or beetle from my country, please tell me, we could exchange.” – Sincerely, Filip Franeta
- “Your classifieds board is most excellent, it is quite useful in getting different things advertised and getting people to trade sell etc…best of all it’s FREE… ” – Jens Walden
- “Your site is fantastic for collector, it is the best invention I never see since I start in entomology 25 years ago.” – Stéphane Le Tirant, Responsable des laboratoires/Headkeeper, Insectarium de Montréal
- “Hi Clark, I would have to say that, that was the fastest replies that I have ever got to an ad. I had about 5 in about 1/2 hour. Thanks for the info.” – Eric Eaton
- “I can confirm that my hits increased drastically after having placed the banner on Insectnet…Thanks a lot!. Response has been overwhelming!! It’s a challenge for me to keep it this way!!” – Alain van vyve, Interinsects.com
- “Dear Colleague! Thank you for your FORUM – it is very interesting idea!!!” – Sincerely, Roman Yakovlev
- “So I just wanted to again thank you. Of all the insect related sites there are on the net yours is my main source of info for the hobby . The quality of the advertisers ,the fact that your site deals with both live and dried insects and just the general way you’ve got the site set up all have great appeal to me!” – Thanks, Raymond in Kentucky
- “Thanks for doing such a great job by providing this invaluable service.” – Coke Smith
- “Thanks for your help and thanks for creating a great site where us “insect people” can communicate.” Thanks a lot, Ryan
- “CLARK!!!!! I had NO IDEA it was your site! It’s fantastic!” – Randi Jones
- “Thank you very much for your kindness to make my ad in the InsectNet. Today I received three E-mail. I am surprised the speed.” – Norio Ohnishi, Japan
- “Your project is very good for all!!” – Sergio Castro, South American Insects, Chile
- “Yes, I did see our banner and I appreciate it. I also subscribed to a few forums (Entomon.net). Judging by the work that went into all of this and the quality end result, you must be very excited. Thanks again. As I am quite impressed, you can consider Sericulum a sponsor.” – Roger K. Bernhart, Sericulum.com.
- “Your web sites are fantastic! Thanks again, and happy collecting to you.” – Stacy Ciufo, Department of Microbiology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
- “First let me say well done for coming up with this site (Entomon.net). Only last night I was talking to another entomologist berating the fact that it is so difficult to get serious in depth information things like morphology and taxonomy and this morning up you pop.” – Andrew Smith
- “Enjoyed reading the articles and persuing the ads. Great site; I will return often. Thank you!” – Barbara J. Bosco, Eggs-quisite.com
- “I really like what you’ve done to your website! Thank you for my link.” – Kathy Burkholder, Kathyscritters.com
- “You’re doing a solid job. Count me in for the: Suppliers plus the banner.” – Adam Fleishman, Wings and Things
- “All the best, and good luck with everything.” – Clive Pratt, The Insect Company
- “I’m happy to see Clive is renewing his ad. I feel your site is great. I have made many contacts through it & bought & sold things. Clive’s site is great but YOUR site is the key to all of them, KEEP it going. Thanks again.” – Bob Muller
- “Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. I think i will like it here :O) I have been busy looking round the site and i have to say i am very impressed with all of it. The photo’s and videos are great especially the instructional ones and i’m always ready to learn from other peoples experiences and different methods. Clark you and the other guys do a great job on this stuff and much appreciated. The music is cool too. Pat Metheny wow! this has me already planning a holiday to California and the sierra. I love your leps America hope we can do some trades etc although i realise your importing stuff is a little more restictive and difficult than ours. Speak soon – Lance [9/28/08]