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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I become a member of
A: There is no ‘membership’ required for as a whole. This is a free site supported by our advertisers and user contributions from our donation page. But you will need to register and get passwords for the Insect Classifieds, Insect Marketplace and the Forum sections if you want to participate in these areas. Each program has a separate registration system. 

Q: I want to sell my insects. Does buy insects?
A: does not buy or sell specimens. Rather, we offer a venue for insect traders to contact each other worldwide. is one of the most popular English-language insect trading portals on the Web.

Q: How do I spread butterflies and mount insects?
A: There are many places on that cover this subject. Check the Forum. There are many discussions in the Forum on this subject. Use the Forum Search function to find them.  Remember that there are many techniques and each collector has their own favorite methods. You will have to do your homework to see which methods suit you best

Q: I need to identify an insect. How do I get help on this?
A: We have a special section in the Forum named Bug Identification for help on identification. There are many experts there that can help you with the ID. Post a message there. You will get the best results if you have a clear, close up picture of the insect you want to identify. Make sure to say when and where the bug was found. You must have a Forum account to post messages or reply to messages.

Q: I have a bug pest problem in my house. How do I get rid of them?
A: We’d like to help but this kind of question is best directed towards professional insect exterminators. I have found a great web site just for this purpose. It is called ‘Living With Bugs – Least-toxic Solutions to Everyday Bug Problems’. This free site will help you indentify the offending beasts and offer solutions to get rid of them in a safe manner. Such as, safe elimination of wasp nests, etc.

Q: How do I know if a seller in the Insect Classifieds is trustworthy?
A: Good question. As with all classifieds in the newspaper or the Internet (and auctions too), there are risks involved if you send money or merchandise in advance to persons you do not know, especially if they are not local. I am doing my very best as adminstrator of this site to screen out suspicious ads in the Classified. Also, we have a special forum section called ‘Insect Trading Reports’ were users submit reviews of traders on this site and discuss issues of fraud. You should read this thoroughly so you will understand how to proceed judicioulsy in the Insect Classifieds. 

Q: Do I need a permit to ship live insects, live cocoons, or live insect ova across state lines in the USA?
A:You will need a permit for each live species that you want to import into your state. If you export to another state, it is the primarily the receiver’s responsibility to have the permits. These kind of permits are controlled by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA is especially concerned about interstate shipment of agricultural pests or live insects that are harmful in other ways (such as fire ants, killer bees, mosquitos, etc.). They also regulate the interstate shipment of live butterflies for ceremonial release (for weddings, etc.) And, technically, even the domestic moths and butterflies that you rear at home as a hobby come under these regulations – if you intend to export or import that livestock across state lines. The permitting process is a bit confusing but if you intend to do interstate shipping of live insects you should investigate getting the proper permits. For more information go to the USDA website. You should also know that it is illegal to ship any live insect (in any form) or live millipedes across state lines if that species is not native to the USA. No permits are granted for this, so don’t even try. Fines for violations are steep. 

Q: Do I need a permit to import dead insect specimens into the USA from other countries?
A: Yes. You will also need the permit to export out of the USA. This kind of permit is issued by the United State Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). For more information go to the USFWS website. 

Q: How do I advertise on InsectNet ?
A: Visit our “Advertise” page that you will find in the menu at the top of this page

Q: I lost my password.
A: Contact us on and explain us if you need a new password for the Forum, Classifieds or Marketplace area.

Q: My Forum password doesn’t seem to work for the Insect Classifieds and visa versa.
A: The Forum and the Insect Classifieds use separate databases. Thus you must register separately for an account in each program you wish to participate in. Your username/password combination in one program will not necessarily work in another program – unless you registered with identical information. So, if your password doesn’t work in a program it means you either entered it incorrectly or you are not actually registered in that program and the program doesn’t recognize you. Please register in each program you want to use. Keep in mind that your username in a program cannot be changed once you register (but passwords CAN be changed later).

Q: How do I get a user account for the Insect Classifieds?
A: Click here :